Libreria di creazione barcode PDF 417
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Introduction to barcode PDF417
The PDF417 is a bi-dimensional barcode allowing to pack
a large amount of data in a small space, saving more information than a
“traditional” linear barcode. Encoding a full ASCII characterset, the barcode
PDF417 can contain up to 2,700 characters. A PDF-417 barcode is arranged into columns, guarded by 5 black bars on
each side, and each column is split into rows of clusters. Each cluster
represents a codeword encoding a value which, taken with all the other values, defines the encoded
data. This symbology includes error correction features (Reed Salomon) allowing to repair and read also damaged or incomplete barcodes.
Recogniform Barcode PDF417 Generation Library
Recognifrm PDF417
Generation Engine allows to encode data to generate a full compliant PDF417 barcode, setting all required parameters. The barcode is generated as a standard DIB (device indipendent bitmap) so that can be easily used or pasted in own documents.
Supported PDF417 Parameters
Reed-Solomon Error Correction Levels: 0 to 8
All Compaction Modes: Text, Binary, Numeric
Bars width and height
Number of columns (rows are calculated automatically)
Text or Binary Data
Barcode location (encompassing rectangle)
Barcode orientation (rotated clockwise, rotated counterclockwise, upside down,diagonal)
Error Correction Level
- Recognition confidence level (0% to 100%)
Evaluation version
You are invited to download the Demo and Trial SDK before you order it. We appreciate any feedback you might have on our products. If you have a
special requirement we would be happy to customize our product for your
specific application.
The SDK includes a Demo application with full source code, the DLL and a complete manual explaining all
DLL interfaces. The sample application is available in Visual Basic, Visual C++ or Delphi.
For more information about Recogniform PDF417 generation engine please use our contacts page or write an e-mail to